GNZ48 new members debut in Ouxiang Yanjiu Jihua setlist theater

gnz48 new memebrs.jpg

GNZ48 will hold a theater performance for new members (kenkyuusei). It is not unusual that new members of GNZ48 are immediately promoted to the team. However, this time GNZ48 first trained them in a theater show.

This GNZ48 kenkyuusei theater performance is titled "Ouxiang Yanjiu Jihua 偶像 研究 计划" ata when translated into Indonesian as 'Idola Research Program'.

The show will feature one overture song and 16 pieces of songs that are a combination of AKB48's SNH48 and GNZ48 hits themselves. Here is the song content in Ouxiang Yanjiu Jihua show.

overture (GNZ48 ver)
GNZ Sanjou! (GNZ 驾临)
Kaiyuugyo no Capacity (爱 的 洄游 鱼)
RESET (勇气 重生)
Oogoe Diamond (钻石 呐喊)
Gyakuten Oujisama (王子 殿下)
Heart Gata Virus (心 型 病毒)
Zannen Shoujo (少女 的 遗憾)
Glory Days (荣耀 日)
Blue Rose
Heart ga Kaze wo Hiita Yoru (爱情 感冒 药)
Utsukushiki Mono (最美 之 人)
Bokura no Kaze (我们 的 风)
First Rabbit (第 只 只 兔子)
Melos no Michi (梅洛斯 之 路)
Pugongying de Jiaoyin (蒲公英 的 脚印)

Shonichi will be held on October 1, 2017 concurrently their debut debut. In the meantime, the names of members and their faces (new members) are kept secret until shonichi is held.

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