[NEWS] Rangkuman Setlist Konser BNK48 Space Mission

BNK48 resmi menggelar konser bertajuk 'Space Mission' yang digelar pada Sabtu, (26/01/2019). Konser yang memiliki konsep galaksi bintang angkasa ini digelar di Impact Arena Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok Thailand. Space Mission akan menjadi pembuka dari acara pemilihan umum senbatsu BNK48 yang pertama. Seluruh anggota BNK48 dilibatkan dalam konser besar indoor pertama ini.

Sesuai dengan tema Space Mission yang berkaitan dengan single ke 5 mereka BNK Festival menjadi lagu pertama yang ditampilkan. Sebelumnya, lagu pembuka overture versi BNK48 juga didendangkan. Lautan lighstick ungu memenuhi bangku para penonton yang menyaksikan. Lagu-lagu apa saja yang dibawakan konser ini? Simak rangkuman setlist BNK48 Space Mission Concert!

M00. Overture (BNK48 version)
M01. BNK Festival - Seluruh member
M02. Shonichi -
M03. Oogoe Diamond
M04. Aitakatta

MC1. Perkenalan

M05. Mata Anata no Koto wo Kangaeteta
M06. 365 Nichi no Kamihikouki
M07. Temodemo no Namida - Cherprang, Music
M08. Skirt, Hirari - Namsa, Bambu, Mind, Jaa, Jib, Nink, Kate
M09. Classmate - Pun, Pupe, Korn, Natherine, Mewnich
M10. Anata to Christmas Eve - Kaew, Fond
M11. Kiss wa Dame yo - Noey, Namneung, Minmin
M12. Sakura no Hanabiratachi

MC2. Pembicaraan tentang Unit song yang dibawakan

M14. Yume e no Route
M15. Tsugi no Season
M16. Kimi wa Melody

EN1. BNK48 (Bangkok48)
EN2. Namida Surprise!
EN3. Koi Suru Fortune Cookie

Di lagu Aitakatta dan Kimi wa Melody, ada anggota yang berada di panggung bergerak yang didesain seperti kendaraan. Pada saat penampilan lagu Sakura no Hanabiratachi, penggemar dikejutkan dengan indahnya bunga kertas sakura yang turun dari atas. Ada satu hal lucu saat lagu RIVER, dimana Mobile terpeleset saat menari. Lagu Namida Surprise merupakan projek untuk ulang tahun Niky.

BNK48 Space Mission Concert Setlist!

BNK48 after holding a concert entitled 'Space Mission' which was held on Saturday (01/26/2019). The concert, which has the concept of space star galaxy, was held at the Thong Thani Muang Arena in Bangkok, Thailand. The Space Mission will be the opening performance of the first BNK48 senbatsu general election. All BNK48 members were involved in this first large indoor concert.

In accordance with the Space Mission theme relating to their 5th single BNK Festival became the first song to be performed. Previously, BNK48 overture became the opening concert. Purple light sticks sea filled the venue of the concert. What songs did this concert bring? Check out the BNK48 Space Mission Concert setlist!

M00. Overture (BNK48 version)
M01. BNK Festival - All members
M02. Shonichi
M03. Oogoe Diamond
M04. Aitakatta

MC1. Introduction Member

M05. Mata Anata no Koto wo Kangaeteta
M06. 365 Nichi no Kamihikouki
M07. Temodemo no Namida - Cherprang, Music
M08. Skirt, Hirari - Namsa, Bamboo, Mind, Jaa, Jib, Nink, Kate
M09. Classmate - Pun, Pupe, Korn, Natherine, Mewnich
M10. Anata to Christmas Eve - Kaew, Fond
M11. Kiss wa Dame yo - Noey, Namneung, Minmin
M12. Sakura no Hanabiratachi

MC2. Talk about the unit song that was performed

M14. Yume e no Route
M15. Tsugi no Season
M16. Kimi wa Melody

EN1. BNK48 (Bangkok48)
EN2. Namida Surprise!
EN3. Koisuru Fortune Cookie

In the songs of Aitakatta and Kimi wa Melody, there are members who are on mobiled stage that are designed like a car. At the time of the appearance of the Sakura no Hanabiratachi song, fans were surprised by the beautiful sakura paper flowers coming down from above. There was one funny thing when the song RIVER, where Mobile slipped while dancing. Namida Surprise's song is a project for Niky's birthday.

Update: Ternyata Hoax! Sumber resminya dihapus.

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